And, after that, comes today -- a long day for good reasons. Should be busy at work, then after work is my monthly Bagdad Theater and Pub trip for Cort and Fatboy's Midnight Movie. The Freakin' Nightmare Before Christmas, yo. (P.S. An admission: Nightmare had to grow on me. I remember seeing it in 1993 with my cousin Amy, the future "Max/Maxim/Maximy Walsh," and we both left the theater wondering why a lot of people were singing its praises: it seemed nice, but not hugely good. But grown on me it has.)
I was at the Bagdad last night for the football game. Got ribbed gently for only buying a $2 cookie (I had three bucks on me and left the other buck as a tip). I said "I'll get more tomorrow." True. Especially since I like supporting these screenings, and since I just got paaaaaaiiiiiiid. Need funds to function...