Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

Naps and Gorillaz make many things better

Thank you for the replies earlier, y'all.

My day? Survivable. Long day; actually got a lot done, but was tired for much of it. Actually took a nap this evening, because I want to treat myself, and right now somehow "treat myself" translates into "Go to Big-Ass Sandwiches for their late-night hours and watch the drunk people."

My napping music was Plastic Beach by Gorillaz. I'm liking it. Not a singles-heavy album (so far just "Stylo" has been released that way, and I can only imagine "Some Kind of Nature" with Lou Reed also being radio-friendly), but I groove to it, including lines like "I'm a scary gargoyle on a tower, that you made with plastic power... your rhinestone eyes are like factories far away..." And "Superfast Jellyfish" is delightfully disgusting about bad, bad food.

Oh, backing up to good news: I'm getting some federal and state tax money back. I always feel a little relieved when that happens. I've only owed taxes once that I can remember, and that time I owed about 17 bucks.

To make this entry a little more random, I'll skip to the weather: today got actually, honestly warm. Yes! And not too cold in the morning, either, as opposed to a couple of mornings ago when it was mid-30s followed by almost 60 in the afternoon. This area is lucky in that it doesn't have 10-minute-long springs like some areas have, and I will do my best to enjoy the spring-ish weather.

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