Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

OK, *now* I'll stop teasing y'all

Here are the heretofore unguessed movie quotes from two weeks ago:

1. “What did I get that I couldn’t get from any guy with no name any day of the week?” -- Mercedes Ruehl rants to Jeff Bridges in The Fisher King

2. “Well, then I guess I am telling you what you want to hear.” -- Nicolas Cage in front of the parole board in Raising Arizona

5. “Do you have any famous last words?” “Not yet.” -- The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

6. “An unexpected gift…at an unexpected time.” -- Sean Connery gives advice in Finding Forrester

8. “And it is the humble opinion of this narrator that these things don’t just happen.” -- from the opening of Magnolia

9. “Sometimes – not often, but sometimes – I’m in the mood for a woman with a horse.” -- Jason Lee in Chasing Amy
Tags: memes

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