And by doing that, I was rewarded with a beauty moment.
Having gotten out of the time-travel vortex of that basement restaurant -- no, I don't know how -- I got to fly over dream-Portland. Some sort of ultra-light, one-person flying vehicle that almost didn't seem to be there, but which got me aloft almost noiselessly in the dusk-colored sky. I flew towards one of several, several formations of geese, a formation flying north over the Willamette, and I was impressed with the regularity of the formation. Then I saw that it wasn't just geese. At the head of the formation, the goose that would lead the formation was itself being led.
By a bald eagle. The eagle was just above and ahead of it, pumping its gigantic wings and shielding the goose, at times leaning its head down and gently, somehow gently, guiding it with its beak. Then the bald eagle split off from the formation, and the geese kept flying, and I thought They'll probably bank away from me now, and they did -- the bald eagle one way, upward in fact, and the few dozen geese banking away from me. I accepted that -- it tends to be good to accept what's happening in a dream -- and banked away as well, flying my way as they flew theirs.
Things like that happen when I accept my dreams.