Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

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It *has* been too long since I've had fried rice.

It was a hankering for pho* what did it. A hankering combined with not yet being able to find a place that delivers it (admittedly, I didn't look that hard) and wondering how much I should clean up from my sweat-causing current job: enough to go out and sit down at a restaurant? No, it turned out. (I was even pantsless during some of this decision-making, so I was feeling very informal. The pants needed to dry from the rain that rained on me on my commute home tonight.)

So. Take-out, from Stickers Asian Cafe about a mile south of me, netted me Thai noodle soup and -- for the first time in years -- fried rice. This was a growing-up staple for me, and now my stomach's enjoying the nostalgia. And there's enough for leftovers!

It was a quick drive to get the stuff. I put on a sweatshirt, to have another layer to keep me warm and also to (I hope) keep in the stink for the couple of minutes I'd be in the restaurant. And now I'm getting warmth in food form. I hope you have, too.

Not an epic entry. I don't care that it's not epic. (Think Homer always wrote on a full stomach?)

* Video from Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations. The clip is called "Food Porn," which may mess with your Internet filters. Just in case it's an issue.

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