Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

Yes! Still healthy!

So far, so well. Because "so far, so good" can stand to be modified.

I'm much more with-it and awake now than I was 24 hours ago. Being worried that I had the sort of tired that presages getting sick was a good motivator to (as I mentioned this morning) sleep the sleep of the dead. I like staying well. It felt like a small victory today.

And I've had tea since getting home, so that could and should help with staying with-it.

Yep, life is still basic and boring, but in OK ways.

By the way, I'm powering through and really especially enjoying Stephen King's 11/22/63, about a modern-day man who time-travels to 1958 so he can live in the past at least long enough to (he hopes) prevent JFK's assassination. King + time travel = happy Reader-Me. Math still works, too.
Tags: books

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