Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

Me No Have Words

Fallow time in my blog. These times happen. I'm having trouble motivating myself to organize thoughts into interesting entries.

At least many, many others are using words well. I got to see Laura Anne Gilman (suricattus) use them well at a reading and signing last night at Murder By the Book. She read from Collared, a "cozy" mystery that's Book 1 in a new series for her (this one written under a pen name, L.A. Kornetsky). I've been liking Gilman's urban fantasy stuff, especially her Bonnie Torres books (think if CSI teams could use magic), and this sounds fun and winning; I'll read it at some point. Didn't buy a book last night, as I'm A) trying to act poor so I don't get REALLY poor and B) still in "get rid of things I no longer need" mode. But I did get to say "hi" in person to Ms. Gilman, with whom I've had decent dealings on my various online places.

Glad I can still pop in and say "Yeah, I'm still alive." Hoping you are the same.
Tags: books

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