Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

  • Mood:

Tuesday in food, friends and fun

Since I talked about what I didn't do, now I'll talk about what I did do!

  • Ate fried chicken. I took myself to breakfast at the new S.E. 11th and Division location of Pine State Biscuits. I went á la carte because a lot of the breakfast options are sandwiches, and as I told the woman ringing me up, "I'm more interested in fried chicken than a sandwich." A biscuit, a small slice of fried green tomato, and coffee to complete the meal, and I was set! And my stomach was happy. As stomachs should be.

  • Went and wandered downtown. I had my latest book to read (Peter David's Artful) and an August bus pass, so that's an easy trip. I made sure to walk and not get run over by either drivers or bicyclists. (Tangent: bike-riding on sidewalks is a bad, dumb idea in most places, and in downtown Portland it could even get you arrested, but I want to lessen how much sidewalk bicycling there is. I'm tempted to look at bicyclists and laugh uproariously at them, buuuuuuuuuuuut that's probably counterproductive.) Making sure to stay in shade as much as possible, I hung out in different parts of central downtown, like Director Park and, later, Pioneer Courthouse Square, where Oregon Ballet Theatre students were staging a lesson in public. It's the school's annual "OBT Exposed" outreach program, and it's a treat. Had I stayed later, I could have attended a lesson for non-student dancers. I've done that before; it's fun. (Written proof here; photo proof here.)

    I then got some caffeine and fries at McDonald's and then hopped a bus home. But my day out wasn't done! I then:

  • Saw fun people make fun music. I know the members of a filk band called the PDX Broadsides, and that evening they had a free concert on N. Mississippi, in a pizza-and-beer place (Mississippi Pizza). After a couple more bus rides, I was, um, fashionably late (yeah, that's the ticket) but got to see most of the show, and visit and hug good people in between songs. A lot of funny songs, with sincere songs thrown in...sometimes, last night, with Aubrey Webber of fellow Portland band The Doubleclicks accompanying the Broadsides on cello. Cello can add lots of sincerity! And still be used for amusement, as Rasputina does, but last night Aubrey Webber mainly added sincerity. Another mutual friend, Fletcher Lanning, played upright bass on a couple of songs. Lovely, fun set; the Broadsides' song about grammar had me laughing especially hard.

    Thank you, all the people who visited with me yesterday. I was able to say some things I need to say...heck, things that informed the entry I just wrote about hunting for work. I may have over-talked; I apologize for that. I will be better.

    And once I bussed home, I was a good kind of tired and maybe still a little drunk. This may be my only drunk blog entry. Mark it for posterity. Heh.
  • Tags: peregrinations, portland

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