I've the long-standing habit, since moving to Portland in 2001, to get to a street with a bus line then walk along it until a bus caught up with me. Each place I've lived these past 15 (whoa) years, I've been able to do that. Occasionally I miss a bus because I'm in between stops when it passes, but that's rare; I accept that little risk and go on. I like making the effort to get more walking done; I have no problem with walking more.
But going the other way along a route -- that's a mental effort. Part of me must think "my speed going towards the bus plus the bus's speed means that there'll be less time for me to see and react to a bus, while walking the same direction as the bus is going makes our intercept speed incrementally slower. Whoa; I COULD MISS IT DUE TO ALGEBRA." Yeah, here I am telling myself that the speed difference is negligible unless I'm going at cheetah speeds, and that going backwards can be as valid as going forward.
I now have a good reason to break that habit. Where I am now, I can take the Route 10 bus along Harold St., an east-west road, to work. Similar distance to go to either the stop at S.E. 69th/68th Ave. or the stop at S.E. 72nd Ave.
Heading east to S.E. 72nd on workday mornings is awarded, on a sunny or sunny-ish day, with sunrise light. Didn't have that motivation along the north-south Milwaukie Ave.
I'm a fan of sunrise light (and of light in general). Why not get more of it when I can?