And the other big person with a say in this hasn't talked yet: co-creator Mark Frost, a screenwriter, novelist and big part of why Twin Peaks worked in the first place. Maybe he can't say anything. Maybe he can and is waiting for a less fraught moment to say it. Do any of the "complications" involve him, or not? We can't yet really know, and even him speaking might not tell us the whole story. But somewhere, somehow, behind the scenes, Mark Frost has a say. Remember, part of this revival is a planned novel by Frost touching on the 25 years since the end of the original show; even if everything else involved collapses, could this book still happen? Has the book been started? I have no answers, only questions and hope.
I want this to work out. I've been truly, genuinely excited about the possibility of seeing the characters and the world of Twin Peaks again; that something as eccentric, emotional, and dreamlike as it was (and good, even with, yes, the wildly uneven second season) became a genuine hit in the first place is something of a small TV miracle. That still exists if nothing comes out of this revival. I hope I'm not too selfish in wanting this to work. And I'm pretty sure this news is not finished.