Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

Thinking of you.

"Breathing Room," by Christopher Walsh, 6/21/2016-6/22/2016

...needed? Offered. Gladly given, in fact.

They need, for a time, to be close only to themselves.
They need those who are close to be, briefly, less close —
Maybe in sight, maybe not,
Maybe arms-reach, maybe not
— as they find the reach of their psychic bubble
That cushions against the world's sharp edges.
As they strengthen this shield.
As (is likely) they feel.
As (you hope) they heal.

Perhaps you're in their background.
Perhaps farther than that.
Perhaps farther.
But: you are where you're reassuring.
They choose where that is.
Be okay with that.
Be okay with them.
Know that "I'll be there for you" sometimes means "Where is there?"

© Christopher Walsh, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Christopher Walsh (chris_walsh) with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Tags: poetical

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