Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

"Hug Energy," 2/12/2017-3/12/2017

Hug Energy
by Christopher Walsh
(notes for poem begun 2/12/2017, poem written 3/5/2017-3/12/2017)

You get a grip on another life:
Their warmth can touch to yours,
Each person's arms, each person's cores
Can be, when hugged, energy-rife:
You draw a strength and borrow more
That — first — brings your shields down
But this is why hugs have renown:
Those strengths entwine, grow past your core
As if gaining the power of a crown.
Your shields now encompass you both.
You two are protected. The hug is an oath.
...And isn't it now harder to frown?
Your strength, more centered, feels growth;
You sense that you're where you belong
— If you feel worse once you've hugged, something's wrong —
The bond is worth a pledge, a troth
To return your strength once it's passed along
Through clothes and skin and muscles, gripped
And warmed through body heat: you're more equipped,
After absorbing the hug, to find how to be strong.
The feel of the hug is chosen by the huggers: slipped
Easily into a space emotionally colored as desired:
How much a hold? How deeply held? How much time transpired?
What might the hug lead to? Does it lead to a heart-skipped
Joy that your hug will become a more-than-hug? Acquired:
Love, and intimacy, once you've found the right person
---------------------------------------------------------------------To hug.

© Christopher Walsh, 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Christopher Walsh (chris_walsh) with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Tags: poetical

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