Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

Is it possible to write a one-word blog entry?


...I mean, I could cheat and do an entry only in emojis, but while emojis aren't words, they have some of the same weight as words. They have meaning. They, like whichever words you use, should add something. (Emojis add too much when they're used in Facebook memes with headlines like "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW FUNNY THIS IS!!" with 😂 or 😮 next to them. Telling people that what you're showing is funny is one way to cut off any actual humor at the knees.)

So me being all 👍🏻😉🙂😌😃😀🤔😂🤘🏻😑 would be the wrong way for me to blog, so I won't. But, anyway, hi.

P.S. Those are the 10 emojis I use most often on my tablet. You know more now.

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