Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

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This is the whining post. A post in which I whine.

OK, it's not that bad. But me being in a Nick Cave-paraphrasing mood must mean I'm in an odd mood. Anyway...

I finally want a userpic. And NOTHING IS COMING TO MIND FOR WHAT WOULD BE A GOOD USERPIC. Ideally, I'd use a photo I'd taken, but I've never put any of that online. (I fully acknowledge it's a little perverse to talk about what I take pictures of and never show it to people except in person. I'll rectify that, eventually, promise.) And I'd want the default userpic to be reasonably all-encompassing, as I don't yet have the time or the computer file space to go nuts with all sorts of icons. (I'm also waiting to upgrade to an actual paid account.) So...what would be the most me? Nothing's coming to mind, at least not now.

I'm not asking for someone to make any userpics for me. I mainly wanted to acknowledge to y'all (especially zarhooie) that yep, I want visuals on this thing finally, but just feel stuck.

This is, to quote Oliver Wendell Jones, "a humdrum conundrum."

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