Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

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Happy Birthday, stagger_lee77!

Today thirty years ago, stagger_lee77 made her grand entrance into this world. And as one of the Smartass Sweethearts I've gotten to know via The LiveJournal, she deserves and gets a birthday shoutout. Happy Birthday, Lee! Here's to no longer getting shot at! (Lee served in Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom.)

Many words from her Very Significant Other supremegoddess1 about why Lee rocks are here. (That's also where SG1 both puts many photos of the two of them and details her successfully cunning plan to give Lee 30 gifts, one for each year of her life so far.)

stagger_lee77 is profane, passionate, hilarious, and geeky, and she wears Cookie Monster T-shirts. What's not to like?

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