Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

The obligatory getting-in-touch-with-my-vacationing-self post

As I write this, I am (God willing and the crick don't rise) less than 24 hours away from being in San Francisco, preparing for Walter and Saskia's Saturday wedding. I don't yet know how much Internet access I'll have during the trip, but I hope to check in at least a couple of times.

So there'll be two ways to e-reach me:

1) This journal, obviously. Comment as you see fit!

2) My gmail address, helpfully provided by the helpful zarhooie (thanks, hon!). It is I don't know how to make that a direct "mail to" link, so copy-and-paste it as needed.

Of course, as wired a city as San Francisco is, I should have no trouble reaching The Internets, so I doubt even my non-wireless self will be able to pull myself away...

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