Since I've had jokes in my dream's production design before, I shouldn't be surprised I'd have a special effects team, too.
I accept this dream and go on...
Since I've had jokes in my dream's production design before, I shouldn't be surprised I'd have a special effects team, too.
Remains of life: a birthday remembrance
Today was the birthday of someone who can no longer celebrate it. In 2007, through LiveJournal, I learned of a young, local Portland woman named…
Let's do this Oprah style
EVERYONE GETS A BIRTHDAY! You get a birthday, you get a birthday, you get a birthday, YOU get a birthday, you get a birthday, you get a…
Begging off
So. Y'all keep having birthdays. I've noted them -- rather inconsistently until 2008, when I hit on doing songs and poems for all that year's…
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