Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

This bit of wit brought to you by a driver who didn't want to stop.

I've got to use this line somehow somewhere:

This afternoon I was waiting to use the crosswalk at SE Hawthorne Blvd. at 38th, to get from the Bagdad to Fred Meyer. Cars in both eastbound lanes stopped to let me cross; one car in the left westbound lane stopped; a car in the right westbound lane wasn't stopping, though the driver clearly could see me and the stopped cars. She stopped, though it looked like she hadn't wanted to. As I can be a hardass about pedestrian rights, I intentionally crossed the westbound lanes a little more slowly than normal, plus I waved to her and said towards her "You do have to stop, you know."

That's not the line I wanted to share. When I reached the other side, that driver drove off. I said towards her "'Godspeed' doesn't mean 'speed!'"

Then I decided I liked that line.
Tags: language, peregrinations

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