Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

Aaron Duran, ladies and gentlemen

Here's one review I wanted to share that Aaron Duran, the guy who's letting me write for him, wrote about a new Nightmare Before Christmas music tribute:
You ever stop and think what would happen to Goths and stores like Hot Topic if Johnny Depp, The Crow, or The Nightmare Before Christmas never existed? I’m picturing some Bizarro version of It’s a Wonderful Life, except every time Trent Reznor screamed, Clarence would get a new cut.
The album is a collection of covers of not just Danny Elfman's songs, but also his score pieces, and Duran has thoughts about them all.

Excelsior! (Uh-huh, I'm sufficiently geeky to want to close with that.)
Tags: music

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