Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

All in a name

Via kradical:

WITNESS PROTECTION NAME (father's & mother's middle names)
Munroe Jean.

NASCAR NAME (first name of your father's dad, mother's dad)
Irvin Robert.

STAR WARS NAME (the first 2 letters of your last name, first 4 letters of your first name)
Wachri. (I'd pronounce that "WAH-kree.")

DETECTIVE NAME (fave color, fave animal)
Red Whale.

SOAP OPERA NAME (middle name, city where you live)
Michael Portland. Or, if I use my neighborhood, Michael Brooklyn. (My brother would be Munroe Chantilly.)

SUPERHERO NAME (2nd fav color, fav alcoholic drink, add "THE" to the beginning)
The Green Whiskey. (Please let there be no green whiskey for real. Not even for St. Patrick's Day. Green should only GO SO FAR.)

FLY NAME (first 2 letters of 1st name, last 2 letters of your last name)
Chwa. (Man, that's ugly.)

GANGSTA NAME (fave ice cream flavor, fave cookie)
Mint Snickerdoodle. (I have snickerdoodles on the mind and in my apartment! Not always my favorite, but they're my favorite now.)

ROCK STAR NAME (current pet's name, current street name)
Nada Boise. (No pet. The little spiders in this building don't count.)

PORN NAME (1st pet, street you grew up on)
Sophie Palacio.
Tags: memes

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