Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

I've been LJ'ing

Good morning, everyone...

My stuff-done this weekend includes several entries I'd like to link to, so if you didn't read LJ this weekend you can read them now!

On Friday:
I shared good-for-me work news.

On Saturday:
I acknowledged my ability to think, and write, weird thoughts, while also talking about why I write what I write. (I'm proud of this entry.) I then demonstrated my weird-thought ability.

I linked to a picture (this one!) of a dress made of old floppy disc inserts. Cool. And worn by a cool, fun DJ, too (I like Tara).

I shared my Thanksgiving plans. My Thanksgiving eating is now accounted for (thanks in advance, Rheinlander!).

On Sunday:
I geeked out over a sugary sweet beverage made by a company that used to indirectly employ yendi (hi, yendi!).

I shared my thoughts on the novel Twilight. And then I shared cleolinda's parody of the movie Twilight, "Twilight in Fifteen Minutes."

And is today. (Sounds like a Smashing Pumpkins lyric.) Good morning!

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