Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

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I slightly failed.

My blood donation this morning was foiled by my body deciding after giving up about 80% of a pint that it wasn't going to give up more. Two attendants attempted to adjust the needle (with me studiously looking anywhere but my be-needled arm) so more blood would flow through, but no, it wasn't to be. (I was hooked up for 16 minutes. These donations normally take 10. Twice I've done it in 6.) One of the people who helped me assured me that the Red Cross can still do tests on what I donated, so this blood donation will be useful.

Good turnout for the Thanksgiving blood draw, though. And I have another T-shirt to add to my T-shirt arsenal.

I took it easy for a while in the canteen, then drove down to the SE 33rd and Powell McDonald's for my post-donation lunch. Yes, I can let myself have trash food, plus burgers are decent sources of iron. Plus McDonald's was open.

Time to burn off some calories so I'm more ready for my Rheinlander Thanksgiving!
Tags: blood

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