Chris Walsh (chris_walsh) wrote,
Chris Walsh

And now, a happy deed

A gift of mine has reached the gift-ee!

Matt Spencer, known (or who can be known to you) as happyspector, is the dude who's turned me on to the fiction of Robert E. Howard. Repaying the favor, and thanking him for letting me help to edit his second novel The Night and the Land, I made an Amazon order for him. He now has copies of Waterfront Fists and The Complete Action Stories, boxing and western yarns, often very funny, by Howard. At times he wrote them faster than magazines could print them! A lot of these stories, according to Matt, have been out of print until very recently, which is a great time to be an REH fan (except for his King Kull of Atlantis stories, which are still hard to get; you know the story behind that, Matt?); I knew he hadn't read those books yet, and I had borrowed them from the library and enjoyed them, so now his collection is bigger and more impressive. :-)

At the same time I ordered those, I ordered for myself a copy of Matt's first book, The Drifting Soul, so I can support him another way!

This is a good side benefit of earning more and not being in credit card debt: I have more room for gifts.

P.S. I love that when he was writing about profane sailors, Robert E. Howard would write out symbols and sounds instead of actual swear words: the sailors would say things like "You dashed blankety-blank diphthong!"
Tags: books

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